life update 15/07/2023

we hit 2k visitors!!!!!!! (tho the javascript counter doesn't seem to match what my neocities profile says, idk what the issue is but i just re-changed the initial value to match the neocities profile number AHXHCBCHS) thank you all for visiting my site, i really appreciate it <33

my next plans for the site are to add either a guestbook or a chatbox, and start filling the place with collections and shrines!! speaking of, should i add a guestbook or a live chatbox? i'm not really sure what the benefits/drawbacks of either are, so any input on the matter left on my neocities profile would be vv much appreciated!!!!!!

update from later: i added the chatbox, but i'm not so sure if i'm such a fan? a lot of customisation is locked behind a paywall :( ah well, i'll keep it for now and see how things go!