life update 02/12/2023

hello hello!! just some life updates :3

i finished my first art project for college!! i now have a week off while my work gets marked, and i'll try be more active? no promises tho LMAO

my birthday was also recently, i just turned 17 a couple weeks ago! i got my provisional drivers license and now scotlands roads are 10000% more dangerous :)

i saw the podiatrist, and turns out i have Really Bad flat feet. i now have proper insoles for my shoes and they sorta help?? im still in pain if i stand for too long but i can def be on my feet for longer, which is nice :3

unfortunately i'm in a brain-space where i'm not really focused on this site rn :( updates will likely stay infrequent, though i may update a couple things here and there over the next week lol