life update 17/03/2024

thank you for 40k views!!!! i want to thank federiefederi for featuring my site button, it's really helped with getting my site out there!!! for anyone who doesn't know, federiefederi is a neocities directory with a focus on promoting smaller sites, i highly recommend checking them out if you haven't already :3

i recently finished my second college art project :] by which i mean i had three mini-projects - a 2D piece, a 3D piece, and a video! i don't know whether or not i've passed yet, but im hoping for the best lmao

now i have to decide on the single piece i'll be working on for the next 8 weeks :'] i've already put in my first project proposal, but i've been told that i need to be more specific with what i want to do, which i am... Nervous about, to say the least. my project theme is order and chaos, and i think i wanna do mixed-media? but then one of my lecturers mentioned animation, which we haven't covered this year and that i don't really know anything about, but it's something i really wanna do in the future and i don't know if i'd be able to go to animation school if i don't have any prior experience...

anyways, i have a week off! will try to update the site a bit more lmao

also HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY [CONFETTI] [CONFETTI] [CONFETTI] i am. not doing anything special other than having irish food bc it isn't celebrated up here lol